   太阳成集团tyc33455cc» 学术讲座
5月22日数字经济与管理系学术讲座 | Intelligent Bibliometric Networks and Applications in Science, Technology, and Innovation
发布时间:2023-05-16       浏览量:

【题  目】Intelligent Bibliometric Networks and Applications in Science, Technology, and Innovation

【时  间】2023年5月22日(星期一),10:00-11:30

【地  点】后主楼1722会议室

【主讲人】Dr Yi Zhang


张嶷博士现为悉尼科技大学澳大利亚人工智能研究院高级讲师(终身教职),是2019年澳大利亚研究理事会DECRA(Discovery Early Career Researcher Award)基金获得者,获评2023年度澳大利亚人报科研大奖(The Australian’s Research Award 2023)澳洲图书馆与情报学学科领军人物。他拥有管理科学与工程(北京理工大学)与软件工程(悉尼科技大学)双博士学位。他是美国佐治亚理工大学公共政策学院访问学者(2011-2012)。张嶷博士专注于文献计量学与技术创新管理领域的研究,强调面向科技创新管理问题的智能文献智能学理论架构与方法创新。共发表学术论文100余篇(其中,2017-2022年间高被引论文4篇)。其Google Scholar 论文被引2400余次,H Index为24。


This talk is to introduce the development and applications of intelligent bibliometric networks for supporting broad science, technology, and innovation studies. Within a dynamic and heterogeneous bibliometric network, this talk is to introduce some efforts on capturing network functionalities, measuring functional interactions, and monitoring system dynamics. Specifically, focusing on the interest of knowledge trajectory recommendation, this talk is to introduce a current development of diffusion-based bi-layer network analytics, in which a novel link prediction approach with a diffusion strategy to reflect real-world academic activities in knowledge sharing between co-authors and knowledge diffusing between similar research topics. This talk will also conclude current research challenges and future directions in line with intelligent bibliometric network analytics.